I don't think anyone will really appreciate this like Ryan and I do, but this blog is more for us anyway- so I had to document these random things I thought were cute.Here are Sara and Della "stretching" with dad. Ryan always stretches before he runs and both Sara and Della copy his every move.
And here are the squinks... These things may or may not drive me crazy. Anyone ever heard of squinkies? They're these little tiny squishy characters that Sara just loves! I don't know why, 'cause all she really does is line them all up like that, then gather them all in her purse and go line them all up somewhere else, along with a few other toys you can see. She has this weird attachment to these things and keeps them all in a little purse that she loves to carry around and take everywhere. I know it's a little strange, but I also find it kind of cute too.
She also has this thing for forts, or "huts" as she and ryan likes to call them.Ryan and I were working outside one day and she was whining to go inside. So, Ryan made her this little hut, complete with her water bottle, chips, blanky, and our portable DVD player playing "Tangled". She soon fell fast asleep.
Fun in the sandbox...Watch out for that crack Sar, don't want any sand getting down there!
Playing outside...So last year I got this little mini pool for Sar since she was just little and the only one who could really enjoy the water, so I got it out this year and I guess I forgot how small it was. These two were both trying to swim in it and even though they barely fit, they were loving it. Don't worry, we bought a bigger one that they can both fit in.
Sara loves putting things "night night"Here she has all the monkeys she could find in the house laying on her blanky, covered with Della blanky and Lia's blanky. Is that weird I find that cute?
Cute sistersWell, I thought the love Sara had for Lia would wear off a little once we were home, but 3 and a half weeks later and she's still crazy about her. Always wanting to hold, kiss and hug her. I thought this was cute of Sara and Lia laying in my bed watching a show.
Cute sistersWell, I thought the love Sara had for Lia would wear off a little once we were home, but 3 and a half weeks later and she's still crazy about her. Always wanting to hold, kiss and hug her. I thought this was cute of Sara and Lia laying in my bed watching a show.
Queen SaraEw. Is that sick enough? She really does think she's a queen, and a rad one. Look how cool she thinks she is watching a show, eating some popcorn in our bed. Legs crossed and all.
It's funny the things your kids do that you think are so cute. I'm sure I'm the only one who thinks these pictures are even worth posting, but if you're a mother, I'm sure your kids do their own strange little things that you've taken pictures of and think are cute. 'Cause I know I do!
I agree with you... I love all the little things too!
Your family is so adorable. I am laughing at all these pictures! Looks like lots of fun at your house! We need to get together soon! I miss you!
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