Tuesday, October 2, 2012

It's Autumn Time

My favorite season! And I think we've started it off right by doing some fun stuff for our family night activities. Last Monday we planned an FHE to Gardner Village to see the witches! My sister Teneil works at the restaurant, so I called to see if she'd be working so we can eat dinner- but she wasn't, so she and her kids joined us as well as my brother Ty, his wife and their kids!
(Sara, Gwen, Tycie, Noah, Mehki)
The kids loved going on the witch hunt and trying to find all the different witches. They loved the frog witch (in the picture above) which was probably Lia's favorite. Sara's favorite was the "pink witch" (breast cancer awareness witch)  and Della's favorite was "the witch going potty" There was a witch reading a newspaper in an outhouse and Della couldn't believe it. She loved it! I wanted to get a picture of my girls with a witch but that's pretty much impossible to get them all together and sit still at the same time! So, I got Ryan to take a picture with Della with this witch and I love it 'cause it looks like the witch is laying on Ryan and really posing for the picture.
...of course Della isn't smiling, but we all know that's pretty typical. It really is so much fun to see the witches and it was even more fun that some of the girls cousins were there. They loved it! We just might have to go back before the season's over.
With it being fall and all, we thought it'd be fun to go on a Sunday drive up the mountains to see the leaves. It really is so pretty up there and the girls loved it!
These were the best pictures I could get. Of course I tried getting one of all three together but that was just disastrous. So, I've just come to accept the fact that I'll just have to do more individual pictures. (even though those are still not very easy)
(...or candid pictures with daddy since they're always happy when they're with him)
The girls have been talking about going to the zoo forever, but I just don't see the fun in going during the summer when it's hot and crowded- so we waited 'til October 1st and went last night for FHE. We were pretty much the only ones there, it was awesome!
Okay, so everyone looks crabby here but I'm pretty sure they all liked it. Sara got a little nervous about the snakes, but Della was loving everything! And Lia would pretty much just say "ew!" to everything with a disgusted look on her face as you can see...
Then I'm sure everyone has seen or heard about the new Rocky Shores exhibit, but this was our first time and I can't believe how cool that Polar Bear is! Seriously comes right up to the glass to say "hi" then does a back flip and does it again! I think Ryan and I were loving it more than anyone, but it really was so cute!
So glad the fall season has just begun 'cause it never seems to last quite long enough. Crazy to think baby Landon will probably (hopefully) be here some time this month! So, unless we have more fun fall events to blog about that may be my next post!

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