Friday, May 25, 2012

Goodrich Happenings

So it seems I hardly have anything exciting to blog about anymore. I kind of feel like "Groundhog Day" because it's just the same old thang every day for us Goodrich girls. However, we have done a few things this past month that I thought were worth bragging- I mean, blogging about ;)
Sara had her preschool field trip to the Dinosaur Museum in Ogden. She was pretty excited about it, but out of everything there was, she was most excited about the "special rocks" and wanted SO bad to get some, but of course the one day we were there they were sold out.
We've been trying to be better about Family Home Evenings on Monday nights. So, Ryan and I switch planning it every other week. Of course his are always the fun "activity" ones. One week we went to City Creek and Temple Square, the girls loved it! And another week Ry planned, we all went swimming at the Clearfield Aquatic Center. Again, they had a blast.
The girls and I don't get out much, just because for one- Ry usually has the car, and for two, it's quite an ordeal taking these three anywhere by myself! But I still try and get us out to do something fun/exciting at least once a... month? Of course we get out and go do stuff when dad gets home, but during the day, it's much easier to just stay home most of the time. But when we do... we usually have fun :) I took the girls to the park a couple weeks ago in hopes to meet up with a friend who invited me via text to go. But, once I got there I couldn't find her and she wasn't answering any texts or phone calls. The girls still had fun, Della playing on the playground, Lia swinging for the first time (and loving it!) and Sara just doing her usual hunt for rocks and sticks.
It turns out my friends phone died right after she text me and she wasn't at the playground, but somewhere else in the park. Oh well! Maybe next time ;)
Another reason we usually stay home, is because now home is the fun place to be! We've added all sorts of fun stuff like... our new sandbox and swing set that Ry built. Our neighbor helped us with the swing set a while ago, but we just recently got some swings for it and the girls are loving life! (Just wish they knew how to pump)
I think Lia loves it the most, although she'll probably need to take a little break from the swings (let's not talk about why) We've also gotten out our little pool and water table and had a little swimming day when it was really hot. It really is so fun having a backyard for our girls to play in. We love it outside!
We love hot tubbing! My parents have a hot tub, so we thought it'd be fun to go down one day and get in. Everyone loves it! I thought Lia was old enough to dunk under the water real quick and she seriously LOVED it! Oh my, it was so hilarious. We'd bring her up and she would just laugh and giggle with the biggest smile. I can't get enough of her right now. I love all the stages but there is just something about the ages 10-18 months that I LOVE! And I'm obsessed with their matching cute!
That pretty much sums up what we've been up to this past month. Now we have a busy summer ahead of us! Okay, nothing too big- but there's Lia's Birthday, Sara's Preschool Graduation, Father's Day, our 6 year Anniversary, Ry's 1/2 and full marathons, 4th and 24th of July, Ryan's Birthday, Sara's Birthday... and that's all I really want to think about right now. Hopefully I'll keep up on blogging everything!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love this. Your girls are so cute! I love the way Sara poses so perfectly for almost every picture you take of her. Can I just tell you how much I love your little family? You all look so happy and that makes ME happy.