Monday, June 4, 2012

Lia's ONE

I must say, this was one of the longer years of my life. Now, don't get me wrong, she has been such a joy to have in our lives and an incredible blessing to our family. But, believe me- she isn't always such an angel. She was a tough baby. She LOVED to cry. So many would ask "oh... does she have colic?" "no" "maybe she has gas?" "no" "does she spit up a lot?" "no" She just knew what she wanted and would cry 'til she got it, and that was to be held ALL the time!! I'll admit, she was a good baby as long as she was being held. Most would be holding her and say "What do you mean she's a bad baby? She seems like an angel to me!" and I would just respond "put her down and see what happens"
 I really shouldn't complain, 'cause I know there ARE those babies who do cry NO MATTER WHAT you do, and luckily we could always console her and get her to stop. It just made for a long, slow summer. Luckily she's gotten better with age, very slowly, but surely! She's still quite the little fireball, and still cries and/or screams 'til she gets what she wants, but we still lover her to pieces!! I mean look at that face! How can you not?
When she is happy, she really is the sweetest thing ever! She loves to give loves. Every time I get her from her crib in the morning or after naps she just gives me the biggest hug! And I just hold her and take it in 'cause I know it won't last forever. She also LOVES her big sisters. She and Della can kind of butt heads sometimes, but she and Sara are just best little buddies. You can always find them holding hands or cuddling. Lia gets SO excited to see Sara in the morning, or when she gets home from school. She just loves her big sis so much! She loves Della too, but ya know, there's just been this bond that Sara and Lia have had since she was born that I love!
Lou Lous is also a major Daddy's girl, of course. (Her Daddy actually gave her her cute nick name "Lou" or "Lou Lous") But! She does love me too!! There have been plenty of times where Ryan is holding her and she wants me more :) Makes me feel pretty good, since that rarely happens with Sara or Della. It is so crazy how much Lia reminds us of Sara at that age. Those two are so alike it's scary! I mean with everything! Well, I guess not everything, 'cause Sara has been our best child, and Lia has been our worst. But some of their likes and dislikes, how smiley they both are, their body type, and actions. It's pretty cute.
All in all, this little girl has brought so much happiness to our family. Even though she can be a stinker, not a day goes by that she doesn't make us smile. We are also so incredibly proud to be the parents of the most beautiful baby on Earth. Come on now, can anyone disagree? I don't remember the last public place we went where she didn't get at least one or more compliments on her big brown eyes and what a beautiful baby she is. I'm not kidding everywhere we go! And maybe I am bias, but she really is such a pretty baby. Definitely our prettiest baby so far ;)
We really do love you more than anything Lou! Have fun being ONE!

(All pictures were taken by Bloom Photography. Find the link to their site under photographers on my blog)


Anonymous said...

You always have the cutest pictures!! Love them. And love you.

Malorie said...

you make very cute babes!